
Dr. Fisher earned a MD from Baylor College of Medicine, and completed a pediatric residency. At the University of Washington, her education consisted of: the Robert Woods Johnson Clinical Scholars program earning a Master in Public Health, Clinical Genetics Fellowship, and Certificate in Health Care Ethics. She is a Clinical Associate , Pediatrics, at the University of Washington and faculty member of the Public Health Genetics Institute. Her expertise in health care arises from her experience as a practicing clinician, academician, former CMO for Washington State Medicaid, a health plan Medical director, and CMO at the WA State Health Care Authority. With medical training and each position, she worked with diverse populations: Asians, Europeans, African-Americans, Pacific Islanders, Native Americans, Pakistanis, Mexican-Americans, Ethiopians, Mexican Nationals and Asiatic Indians. She founded the first genetics clinic in a health department to address limited access to genetic information and counseling for minorities. Dr. Fisher edited a book on cultural influences on genetic decision making and trained interpreters in inherited blood disorders found in people of SE Asia, Italian, African, Greek, and Arab descent. She is founding member of the American College of Medical Genetics, and active in local and state medical associations. Dr. Fisher currently serves as the Chief Medical Officer for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid, Region 10: Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington. An essential component in implementation of the Affordable Care Act is the need to address diversity in patient-centered care and elimination of disparities.